Of course, some of the gates on your way will be closed, and you will have to go around them! From my testing, it appears that this quest should be always possible with the normal distribution of monsters and pressure plates, but since this is rather an early game quest, I have made it easier: the number of monsters does not depend on the number of Hypersian Rugs you have collected, and there are more opening plates. But if you want the challenge, select the Princess Challenge from the special game modes menu.
You can find a Mouse after killing a Vizier. To make it a bit easier, a Vizier usually appears right after you collect 13 Hypersian Rugs, and a Mouse appears right after you kill a Vizier.
The Map Editor has already been present in the late patches to 7.2, but it is better now. Activate it from the "special game modes" menu (or by Shift+A in the cheat mode). There, you can place walls, items and monsters, copy parts of the map, save high quality screenshots (to BMP), and even save/load the map to a file!
More changes follow:
- Refactored monster movement. This means that Rock Snakes and mimics activate plates now (they did not previously), and monsters' special movement effects (for example, Pikeman attack and trails) are now activated by the Orb of Air.
- Messages are now different based on whether the monster is living or not (you no longer "kill" Skeletons).
- Rock Snakes are now generated correctly. Also fixed a small bug with worm/gate interaction.
- Activating the Cheat mode while already in Cheat mode now disables it instead (simply restarting the game sometimes does not work, so this should make it easier)
- Activating the Gameboard mode no longer clears the map automatically, so you can use it to view the patterns in alternate ways (triangular/heptagonal boards, Emerald/Fifty codes). Press F5 if you want to clear the board.
- Help in the map editor, ability to set rotation by clicking on a specific point of the cell. Mines shown. Some crashes caused by illegal combinations are removed.
- fixed the Princess Challenge achievement
- fixed the Gameboard mode
- the Princess Challenge unlocking should now honor Steam achievements, so it should be available even if you unlocked it on a different computer
- fixed minor grammar errors, added some missing lines ("cannot jump on" and "b=boundary"), added the Czech translation
- The 'second joystick' no longer does panning by default, as it causes problems with some gamepads.
- the Russian translation has been updated.
- the Prince/Princess setting (in "customize character") is saved. Also, selecting "customize character" no longer automatically randomizes everything.
- the message 'You are entering the minefield' should no longer appear when you are actually leaving it.
- The Princess is now able to use boats. (Although probably it is safer to try one from Fjord, not one from a coast...)
- Princess now keeps her HP after using Orb of Safety.
- You can now jump over a Mouse. Jumping/teleporting into mirrors/cabinets/etc. activates their effects.
- Gates now also crush items when closing, and are completely destroyed with Flash even if only one half is in the area. Also, they should no longer be generated if the other half would be in a different land.
- Map Editor: added an undo feature, and a possibility to flip while copying large areas. It is also no longer possible to rotate regions so that hexagons/heptagons do not match.
- Skeletons are now marked as non-living (they sink, not drown).
- Fixed some text/translation errors.
- Golems, Mice, and Knights are moving again.
- Eagles no longer make extra moves after moving next to PC.
- Ghosts are no longer allowed to move next to each other, so being attacked by two of them at once is no longer almost surely fatal.
- Gameboard cells are no longer black if no gameboard mode is enabled.
- Bonfires are now lighted by nearby fires.
- Save/load map no longer crashes when a file is missing (or another error).
- (Android) Loading a game should no longer cause new items/monsters not to appear.
- stunning a monster on the Palace trapdoor no longer gives you the Death Runner achievement.
- Princess Challenge should now be available immediately after unlocking.
- High quality screenshots should now work on Windows.
- Fixed some errors in translations. (Also finally added the translated achievement names)
- Albatross kills are counted now.
- (Android) The rare Android crash should be fixed now.
- Leaders/Pirates/Vikings did not move.
- Save shmup config works correctly now (well, it did work correctly before, but it did not load).
- Boats are now stranded instead of disappearing in Fjord/Ocean coast.
- You now lose life immediately if your terrain becomes dangerous (tide comes, a gate is dropped on you, etc.).
- Tide, ghost spawn, and heat transfer in Cocytus are somewhat slower now.
- Orb of Air works nicely now.
- Clicking to use orb powers should no longer crash the game.
- Visited lands are recorded, so you can play them in the Euclidean mode later.
- Female cheaters now have a different "goat" head design. (To make her more different in the coop shmup)