NotEye 7.6 is released!
This update is mostly for those who would like to use NotEye in their 7DRL 2014 entry. The seven day challenge starts in just a few days. Whether you want to use NotEye or not, good luck!
The 7DRL invitation caused lots of discussion about the licensing of NotEye. I am quite confident that GPL is (mostly) what I want; I have explained my motivations in the dev guide. I have also made the licensing clear in the package: improved the comments in the Lua scripts, license is displayed in the "about" screen, improved the "readme.txt" file and the sourcing of the audio/gfx files.
More changes:
- Added the DawnLike tileset (together with two new fonts) and some Lua scripts for it. Sample games now use this tileset.
- Added an "About NotEye" option to the NotEye menu. This simplified the NotEye main (pre-game) menu.
- Fixed the TPP mode (in 7.5 it worked correctly only in Hydra's hex mode).
- Fixed the "-N --ascii" command line option (which runs NotEye in the console).
- Added some new utilities for sounds, and for scheduling an action later.
- Added a noteye_halfdelayms(int i) command for more precise timing.
- Added more functions to JNI (thus Java can use more NotEye's functions).
- Fixed the Makefile (NotEye did not compile correctly on some Linux machines due to missing -lz -lcurses).
- Hydra Slayer has new sounds by Brett Cornwall. It is still a work in progress.
- You no longer get a double sword when growing your fingernails. (Also fixed the grammar slightly.)
Good luck hacking!